Autotroph: Autotrophs are organisms that can produce their own food. Among these organisms are green plants, algae, flowers and trees (as shown in the example above).

Exoskeleton: An exoskeleton is the exterior covering of an organism which typically acts as a shell. Organisms that have exoskeletons such as the scorpion have muscles that move around inside the exoskeleton compared to endoskeletons. Most exoskeleton organisms such as the scorpion also characteristically lack a backbone.
Frond: A frond is a leaf of a fern or a portion of a non-vascular plant such as a palm. The picture above is an example of fern leaves.
Population: Populations are defined by the proximity in which interbreed organisms live together. The example above regarding the ant pile is a shared home of the same species qualifying the ant pile as a small population of ants.


Pollinator: Pollinators are responsible for the transfer of pollen between homogeneous and heterogeneous flowers. This action is made possible when (for example in the picture) the bee picks up pollen on its legs as it is feeding off the flower and then caries the pollen to the other flowers thus pollinating the plant. Pollinators hold the most vital and final role in the pollination process.